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Jen Baluk

Jen contributed to this website, developing the anatomy of mammals section. She is qualified to teach in the Intermediate/Senior division and her teachable subjects are General Science and Social Sciences. Jen also graduated from Western University with a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree. Jen is invested in achieving excellence in her students by providing them with the resources and tools they need to enhance their learning. A variety of differentiated instruction and 21st century skills are incorporated throughout her lessons to offer more engaging and interactive learning opportunities.


Please visit Jen’s personal teaching website at

Cheryl Madliger

Cheryl contributed to this website, crafting the plants section. She is trained to teach I/S General Science and Biology, but has experience in Environmental Education and two degrees in Kinesiology. Cheryl is dedicated to making lessons that students want to pay attention to, and loves to watch students create work that they feel proud of. She knew she had a role to play in education after volunteering with Growing Chefs! Ontario, an organization near and dear to her, In the spare time she has left, she is an avid triathlete and freelance writer with a knack for making delicious desserts.  

Please visit Cheryl's personal teaching website at!

Alex Procenko

Alex designed this website and was in charge of the microbiology section. Her teachables are I/S General Science and Biology, but she is hoping to add Senior Social Science and Intermediate Math to her teaching repertoire. She is always trying to incorporate teaching students 21st century skills into her lessons; most recently she helped to deliver and teach computer coding lessons for elementary math classes. As a future teacher, Alex hopes to spark curiosity for learning and inspire her students to follow their passions. 

Please visit Alex's personal teaching website at!

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