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A hallmark of what I consider engaging teaching to be is the use of diverse teaching strategies. Committing to incorporating a variety of teaching strategies keeps me developing as a teacher and ensures that my students will not get bored with my teaching. In the resources included on this website, I tried to highlight some of my favourite methods for introducing new ideas, consolidating big lessons, and challenging students to apply their learning to the greater world.


Lesson 1: Introduction to the Circulatory System

  • Think-Pair-Share: Throughout the lesson, think-pair-share opportunities are a great way to make sure students understand the content being taught as a formative assessment of their learning. During this time, it is important for the educator to walk around listening to student’s ideas and interpretations of the lesson that way misconceptions can be cleared up and any misunderstandings or difficulties students may be having. It is also important to acknowledge students who understand the material very well as you hope they continue this success throughout the course. In addition, this provides the opportunity for recognizing a student who is excelling and one that does not understand curriculum material, and pairing these two students for the next T-P-S or group activity.

  • Group Discussion: Throughout the lesson, a lot of group discussion and questioning will occur as this approach enables students to share and express their ideas, knowledge, and/or concerns relating to the lesson content.

  • Worksheet: After teaching students the structure and function of the heart, students will complete a worksheet requiring them to label the parts of the heart on a diagram and explain the path of blood flow. This will allow students to review the material by drawing it out and explaining the path of blood flow to their elbow partner.

  • Video: Within this lesson, a video explaining the pulmonary and systemic circuit is shown. As the majority of students are visual learners, a video is an effective way to engage students and ensure they understand the physiological processes within the human body. It is important to incorporate various modes of teaching, as there are diverse learners within the classroom.

  • Lab: Students will work on the Pulse and Blood Pressure Lab measuring and recording their pulse, heart sound, and blood pressure at rest and after exercise. Labs provide an engaging and interactive opportunity for students to practice their learning, which often times clears up any confusion in lesson content.

  • Exit card: Students will write down what they understand, what they need or would like clarification on, and what they do not understand. Having students fill out an exit card before leaving class is effective in determining how to go about future lessons (whether you have to spend more time reviewing the material or if you can move on to the next topic). This also allows shy students to express their thoughts.


Go to “Introduction to the Circulatory System”

Lesson 2: Writing a Formal Lab Report

  • Quiz: At the start of class, students will complete a quiz reviewing material from the last lesson introducing the circulatory system. Last class, students already had practice labeling the heart diagram and explaining the path of blood flow so this quiz is used to assess whether or not students understand this.

  • Lab Report: Students will learn the proper skills to write a formal lab report, which they will be doing for the Fetal Pig Dissection. It is important that students learn the proper techniques to obtain accurate data from laboratory and other sources, and organize/record this data using appropriate formats (for example: tables, flow charts, graphs, or diagrams). Providing students this opportunity enhances their verbal and oral communication skills in a format that is valuable and required when studying/working in the scientific field.

  • Group Discussion: Throughout the lesson, a lot of group discussion and questioning will occur as this approach enables students to share and express their ideas, knowledge, and/or concerns relating to the lesson content. At the end of class, students will also get together in their lab groups to discuss and decide who is responsible for learning and becoming an expert on a certain circulatory system organ.

  • Exit card: Students will write down what they understand, what they need or would like clarification on, and what they do not understand. Having students fill out an exit card before leaving class is effective in determining how to go about future lessons (whether you have to spend more time reviewing the material or if you can move on to the next topic). This also allows shy students to express their thoughts.


Go to “Writing a Formal Lab Report”


Lesson 3: Fetal Pig Dissection

  • Lab: Students will perform a Fetal Pig Dissection identifying organs, and explaining the relationships between the structures and functions of the circulatory system. Labs provide an engaging, interactive, and unique opportunity for students to practice their learning.

Go to “Fetal Pig Dissection”

Lesson 4: Diseases, Treatment, and Career Exploration

  • Computer Lab: Students will complete an in-class research assignment on a circulatory system disease. Having students practice their researching skills is beneficial for their future learning. During this time, students will also explore career options in the field, which may inspire some to continue researching.

  • Exit card: Students will write down what they understand, what they need or would like clarification on, and what they do not understand. Having students fill out an exit card before leaving class is effective in determining how to go about future lessons (whether you have to spend more time reviewing the material or if you can move on to the next topic). This also allows shy students to express their thoughts.

  • Guest speaker: An additional resource not presented in this lesson would be to have a guest speaker come into the classroom or school to educate students on the topic of interest. In this case, having a medical professional involved in the treatment process of a certain circulatory disease would be beneficial. Even having someone who lives with or has lived with a circulatory disease as a guest speaker, would be a valuable resource as well. This allows students to realize the greater significance of their learning in the classroom from text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world.


Go to “Diseases, Treatment, and Career Exploration”



Other Resources


There are various ways to make lessons more engaging and interactive. Some additional resources I came across include:


Blood Line/Life Line Song: This song describes the circulation of blood throughout the body.


Map of the Human Heart: This interactive activity part of NOVA demonstrates the four chambers working together to contract and relax the heart while blood is pushed through the pulmonary and systemic circuits.


Build-A-Body Circulatory System: BrainPOP offers a case study game of the circulatory system. Educational content is presented for each organ/part while students navigate through and create the system.


Operation – Heart Transplant Interactive: This hands-on exercise from NOVA offers students the opportunity to perform a virtual heart transplant.


Jeopardy Game: This circulatory system jeopardy game offers students a fun, engaging, and competitive way to practice their learning and determine which information they should review.


Digital Video Game: This game is created for the Digestive System of the Anatomy of Mammals strand in SBI3C. This game provides a good opportunity to diagnose students’ misconceptions, consolidate their learning, and review curriculum material.

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