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STEM education, at its core, takes a holistic approach to teaching and learning. Approaching instruction with a STEM framework easily facilitates an emphasis on Science, Technology, Society and the Environment (STSE). Lessons in Science can easily be extended to include a societal impact, especially given my personal inclination towards a STEAM approach, which recognizes the interconnected role of arts and humanities in the lessons we teach. These kinds of lessons demand that we engage students in creative ways. Given the anatomy of mammals strand curriculum expectations pertain to analyzing societal implications, the lessons included on this site examine the various effects on human health and body systems:


Lesson 1: Introduction to the Circulatory System

Students are introduced to the circulatory system learning about the structures, functions, and interactions within the system. Students will use appropriate terminology relating to the anatomy of the heart and the physiological processes. Students will practice their learning by labeling a diagram of a heart and explaining the flow of blood throughout the body. The Pulse and Blood Pressure Lab will offer students the opportunity to practice their critical thinking skills by further exploring the effects of exercise (and other factors) on our pulse, heart sound, and blood pressure. Students will learn about various medical devices/technology used when measuring our heart rate and blood pressure (for example: stethoscope, electrocardiogram).

Go to "Introduction to the Circulatory System"


Lesson 2: Writing a Formal Lab Report

In this lesson, students are introduced to the expectations, proper structure and format of writing a formal lab report. Students will demonstrate their scientific investigation skills, related to both inquiry and research, in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning; performing and recording; analyzing and interpreting; and communicating). It is important that students learn the proper techniques to obtain accurate data from laboratory and other sources, and organize/record this data using appropriate formats (for example: tables, flow charts, graphs, or diagrams). Providing students this opportunity enhances their communication skills (both oral and written) in a format that is valuable and required when studying/working in the scientific field.

Go to "Writing a Formal Laboratory Report"


Lesson 3: Fetal Pig Dissection

Students will perform a Fetal Pig Dissection identifying organs, and explaining the relationships between the structures and functions of the circulatory system. This lab offers students a memorable and unique opportunity to develop and practice laboratory skills. Students really get to immerse themselves in the science and technology disciplines, especially if contemplating a career in the health or veterinary sector.


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Lesson 4: Diseases, Treatment, and Career Exploration

In this lesson, students will complete an in-class research assignment with their group members on a common circulatory system disease/disorder. In the process of researching, students will practice problem solving and critical thinking skills as they determine which information is relevant to their assignment. For their circulatory system disease, students will identify and gain a better understanding of the early signs/symptoms, the causes of the disease, diagnosis, prevention and treatment options. In addition, students will explore careers involved with the treatment process (for example: medical professionals or jobs related in the field). Emphasis will be on identifying medical devices/technologies that are used to treat or manage the disease, as well as outlining societal and economic benefits and costs. Students will look at the impact of lifestyle choices on human health and will examine environmental factors, including natural factors resulting from human activity that may have caused the onset of the disease. If factors are identified, students will research ways on how to minimize or prevent this for future generations. Completing this circulatory system research assignment, students will learn that science, technology, society, and the environment all have such a tremendous impact on our human health.

Go to "Diseases, Treatment, and Career Exploration"

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