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Intro to circulatory system

Introduction to the Circulatory System

Students are introduced to the circulatory system learning about the key concepts, structures, functions, and interactions within the system. Students will use appropriate terminology relating to the anatomy of the heart and the physiological processes. Students will practice their learning by labeling a diagram of a heart and explaining blood flow throughout the body. In partners or small groups, students will complete a lab activity measuring their pulse and blood pressure at rest and after exercise. Students will answer questions practicing their critical thinking skills by examining the effects of exercise (or other factors such as caffeine) on the human heart. Medical technology used to measure heart rate and blood pressure will be explored. This lesson may be delivered over two classes in order for students to fully grasp concepts and physiological processes.

Formal lab report

Writing a Formal Lab Report

Students are introduced to guidelines on writing a formal laboratory report in preparation for the Fetal Pig Dissection. The resource developed by the Three Oaks Senior High School Science Department will be used to walk students through an example of the expectations, proper format, structure, and components that should be included in a lab report (title page, objective, introduction, materials, procedure, results, discussion questions, conclusion, references).

Fetal Pig Dissection

Fetal Pig Dissection

In the Fetal Pig Dissection lab, students will identify organs and explain the relationships between the structures and functions of the circulatory system. Students will demonstrate their scientific investigation skills, related to both inquiry and research, in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning; performing and recording; analyzing and interpreting; and communicating). This lab offers students a memorable and unique opportunity to develop proper laboratory techniques they will be sure to use in the future, while practicing 21st century skills: collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, etc.


Diseases, Treatment, and Career Exploration

In this lesson, students work in groups to complete a research assignment on a circulatory system disease. Students will practice problem solving and critical thinking skills as they determine which information is relevant to their presentation. Students will identify and gain a better understanding of the early signs/symptoms, the causes of the disease, diagnosis, prevention and treatment options. Emphasis will be on identifying medical technologies that are used to treat or manage the disease, as well as outlining societal and economic benefits and costs. Students will look at the impact of lifestyle choices on human health. Careers involved in the treatment process will also be explored. Although this lesson can be delivered at any time, it is suggested to be closer to the end of a unit when discussing STSE applications of the anatomy of mammals.

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